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Nairobi City Water Distribution

The Nairobi City Water Distribution Network Modifications Project is being implemented by Athi Water Works Development Agency (AWWDA) with financing from the Government of Kenya, KfW Development Bank of Germany and the European Union (EU).

Lot 1 of the Project comprises of Construction of the Eastern Transmission (Kiambu-Embakasi Pipeline). The main Works under the Project include construction of:
i) Construction of Water Transmission Pipeline from Kiambu to Embakasi, Steel Pipeline total length 24km, size 1.0m diameter (18km) and 0.9m diameter (6km),

ii) Reinforced Concrete Water Storage Tank at Embakasi, capacity 14,000m 3 .

The Project aims at improving Water Supply to the South Eastern parts of Nairobi including Kayole, Umoja, Koma Rock, Embakasi, Utawala, Njiru, Ruai and the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA). These areas are located at the extreme end of the city’s Distribution Network and did not have a dedicated Bulk Water Transmission Pipeline leading to unreliable and suppressed Water Supply.

The design transmission capacity of the Pipeline is 123,200 m 3 /day to serve a projected population of 886,000 persons within the Service Area by year 2035.

Nairobi City Water Distribution
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