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Eldoret Sanitation Project
Eldoret is the fifth largest Town in Kenya. It is situated in a rich agricultural area and is also zoned for industrial growth. A number of educational institutions have been established in and around Eldoret including Moi University. The 1999 population of about 200,000 expected to grow to 300,000 by the year 2005. Water demand estimated to grow from 41, 263 m3/d by the year 2000 to 92,021 m3 by the year 2010.
All Town Planning Data was compiled and analysed. Structure plans for the year 2000 and 2010 were developed and Sewerage System to serve these areas designed by computer analysis. Following the successful implementation of the Eldoret Water Supply - Phase II Project in 1998, the Sanitation Project was inaugurated with a view to sustainably treat the resultant effluent with acceptable effect on the environment. The wastewater being generated was high industrial waste content. Pilot and treatability studies of treatment processes were previously carried out to determine that biofiltration would be the most appropriate treatment process.
The Sewerage System was extended to cover areas of medium and high density development. The proposed services took into consideration the affordability of the low income communities to connect into the sewer network. In a specific area of Kamukunji Estate with high density, medium to low income communities, the sewer network constructed included provision of inspection chambers within the plot boundary to facilitate immediate connection. Also all plots were provided with individual water supply connections.
The Eldoret Sanitation Project comprised of the following: -
• Extension to sewer network comprising of 50 km of sewers varying in diameter from 225 mm to 525 mm.
• 9 km of 150 mm dia. sewers for connection.
• 6 km of reinforced concrete box culvert, size 1300 mm to facilitate transfer of sewage from existing Quarry Sewage Treatment Works to New Boundary Sewage Treatment Works Augmentation of existing Water Distribution Network by additional 57km of mains, diameters varying from 80mm to 300mm.
• New Boundary Sewage Treatment Works, capacity 10,000 m/d (DWF). Waste Stabilisation Pond system incorporating primary ponds, secondary ponds and tertiary ponds Intermediate Treatment State after primary ponds incorporating two number biofilters and one clarifier Provision of sludge drying beds Administration Building incorporating laboratory, control room and other Ancillary Site Works