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Nyeri Water Supply Project
Project Details
Nyeri Water & Sewerage Company
Period of Assignment:
2004 -2006
Financed by:
KfW and GoK
County/ Town
Data Collection, Engineering Survey, Preparation of Preliminary and Final Design Reports, Tender Documents, Prequalification of Tenders, Tender Evaluation and Award, Construction Supervision and Commissioning of Scheme.
Project Backround
Nyeri is the Headquarters of the Central Province of Kenya and is situated about 150km north of the Kenyan capital, Nairobi. The Municipality covers an area of 200km2. The base population (1997) of about 103,255 is expected to grow to 203,856 by the year 2015 and the water demand is estimated to grow to 27,000m3/day by then.
The Project comprised of Rehabilitation and Augmentation of the existing Water Supply System from 5,580m3/day to 27,000m3/day capacity. The existing Water Distribution Network, total length of 90km, was extended by an additional 85km of Mains of diameters varying from 80mm – 600mm.
The existing Kangemi and Kiganjo Sewage Works were also rehabilitated and the Sewerage System augmented by additional infill sewers, total length of 16km.
The Nyeri Water Supply Project Works included the following:
• Rehabilitation of existing Ihwa Intake Works.
• Rehabilitation of existing Kamakwa Water Treatment Works
• Laying of a new Raw Water Main, length 6.15km, diameter varying from 500mm - 600mm
• Construction of a new Conventional Water Treatment Plant, capacity 21,000m3/day, comprising of
Flocculation Basins, Horizontal Flow Sedimentation Tanks and Rapid Sand Filters, Chemical Dosing arrangements, Pump House, Administration building incorporating laboratory and control room and other Ancillary Site Works.
• Construction of 5 Nr Reinforced Concrete Storage Tanks, capacities varying from 500m3 to 5,000m3.
• Augmentation of existing Water Distribution Network by additional 85km of mains, diameters varying from 80mm to 600mm.
• Rehabilitation of existing Kangemi and Kiganjo Sewage Treatment Works.
• Augmentation of the Sewerage Network by additional 16km of infill sewers varying in diameter from 225mm to 350mm